Grade levels
5 - 7
26 Pages, 3D Slash Tutorial, Canva Tutorial, One Pager Template
Dead otters found & problems | Introduction to the interpretation of statistics | Simplifying statistics | Calculating the mean value | Bridges as barriers for otters | Getting to know the Disney Brainstorming method | Planning a concept -> developing a model | Getting to know the CAD program 3D Slash | Creating a one-pager
This task deals with the topic of the research box, "Protection options for otters". Two statistics serve as an introduction, which show the current problem in numbers. More and more otters are dying directly or indirectly in car accidents. The reason is the rapid expansion of infrastructure, which extends beyond the natural habitats of wild animals. Using statistics from almost 30 years, the students are to create their own clear statistics, which give them a good overview of a long-term, increasing trend in dead animals found.
The fundamental problem is the otter-unfriendly bridges, of which there are currently far too many. The students now use the knowledge they have learned to design a sketch of an otter-friendly bridge. The "Disney method" is used to generate a broad pool of ideas, with the students taking on many different roles.
Using an easy-to-use modeling program (function like “Minecraft”), the sketch now becomes a real bridge, which is then presented to the class on a “one-pager” with all of its information.
Not only is a problem from current research projects being addressed, but the students are also developing a real solution to ensure that otters can cross the roads safely.
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