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Welcome to the Research Box
wildlife-friendly urban planning
for mammals

We are happy that you have decided to lend a helping hand to our scientists. There are a lot of challenges ahead of us, so let's get to work!


You can find the tasks here.


Prof. Prof. h. c. Dr. Ursula Siebert


Sketchnoting helps you to remember the content you have worked on better. If your teacher wants to work on this method with you, you can find exercises and a sketchnoting template here.

Video messages and additional material

Before many tasks, you will receive a video message from the respective scientist, who will explain to you what the next task is about and what you have to do.

Some tasks contain additional material. You can find this and the video messages here:

This research box was created through collaboration with the
Foundation of the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover...

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and was funded by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture


Your opinion is extremely important to us,
to further develop the research box concept.

We would therefore be very grateful if you would fill out and upload the following two feedback forms.

Teacher feedback

pdf (1).png

Student feedback

pdf (1).png

Please combine the documents and upload them here as one file . Thank you!

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